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I have sort of glossed over the period of time when this process was developed. After the initial idea was accepted by the scientific community in general, certain competitions seem to set up even though there seemed no logical sense in it. 100s of scientific centers were working on technologies needed and, of course, everybody working there knew what was coming and figured that they would be in on it. And when the first possibilities of backup surfaced everybody wanted to be in the first stage of backup. And how could everyone be involved. Some would just have to wait and that could take years. And who would decide the pecking order? Was it those working directly on the backup process? Or the cloning process? Or organ replacement? Or any one of the other scientific or sociological advances? There was plenty bitterness to go around. Luckily I’d been in on the initial process so I could be near the beginning of the line. And although I would have to accept potential problems, I figured they could be ironed out after my reincarnation. A risk, that’s true, but I had to go with it as the end of my first term was near when I did my first series of transfers. I did get to view the jealousies and bitterness at people who were not to be in the first wave especially from people who were likewise near the end of their first term. And what about financing this transfer of people who were merely workers living on a workers salary. How were they going to pay for the transfer and the storage? Mortgage companies stepped in. If you owned a house or property they would loan you based on your future prospect of living very long with plenty of time to pay off your future. All of this solution increased the already large group of people who knew about these transfers. And the preparation left a large group of people who new and might be bitter. And who might they be bitter at? Me, a visible pioneer? Would they after me or would they be after the system rather than one person. Would they try to screw up the whole storage system? And how could you tell? Since I missed twenty years while I was in storage, my knowledge of these struggles are only from reading about it after I came out.

My training period of two years gave me some time to talk to people about this, but of course there were big holes in my training. Especially since I was attached in the beginning to one of the centers but not the others. I didn’t really know about the history or these other centers and the struggles that went on within them. It’s good that I go to a center that’s different than my transfer center. I’ll learn more about them and maybe get a clue about what’s happening. But who will I trust? And what job will I get there that will give me access to the right info?
Chapter 4

India. I’ve never been to India except for 4 weeks holed up training before my downloading. So, I was lost trying to get around. I had phone numbers and addresses, but outside of maps on my computer I was dazed and confused by what was going on around me. I didn’t call ahead but decided to use the procedure used for semi-emergencies. (Need excuse story here).
I need a plan ahead of my entrance into the center. Where to start looking without being suspicious. Without alerting any possible spies or other security risks, other cancers. I’d like to go straight to security but that would be suspicious yet they have all the methods and info on all the methods for keeping track. All the tricks and passwords. But what if someone there is doing the dirty? I became resolved to not figuring this out until I got in and got more familiar with the layout.

All these thoughts went through my head as I rode towards the processing center disguised as a small high tech company working on advanced storage techniques. The company itself was easy to set up with financing by the fees earned by mind storage. Of course, it had to show some profit from it’s cover business, but that was reasonably easy to do because the expertise needed was used in it’s mind storage business.
Checking in was not hard to do since I new the whole routine. As soon as I got through the front office and down to the mind business below ground, I quickly went to my room for a well needed 10 hour sleep. Boy, was I ever tired.

Next day I felt the beginning of a new adventure. Sure, I was nervous and annoyed for having to break up my routine that I was just getting into, but I was looking forward to learning more about the process, and the search to find out these mysterious glitches was starting to drive my interest. Questions slipped through my mind. How much time did I have? Is something going on in my profile? Now that I was inside my check in procedure changed. Would that go smoothly or was whatever was messing with my outside check ins called off when I went back underground? Can I get access to my files? And how? I reported to the human resource department for my secondary training and assignment. I was given a list of my training schedule with my supers. It looks like I’m in here for at least a year. I’m getting paid for all of this which will go towards what I owe, but it still leaves a lot of bills on my account. Still, it’s not really a slow down on my bill paying. The schedule of my second round of training breaks down into XXXXXXXXXXXX. My main job will be manning the background personalities of 50 transfers. This is certainly a possible place for screw up, but there are backup procedures to cover possible mistakes, so this doesn’t explain my sign in problems. It does give me some access to security as does my first four months of XXXXXXXXXXXX training.

Why do I need XXXXXXXX training? Well, first of all they need me to help with this specialized services. They need people who are familiar with the routine as it is complicated and there aren’t many people trained in this except those who go through the transfer. You could train outside people but then those people would want to transfer, and in the beginning transfer facilities were loaded. Years later as the population knew more about what was going on there wouldn’t be the shortness of talent, but that was 20 years to come. Because I had trained three years ago on YYYY, I was started there if only because I was familiar with the process, and they were anxious to “tap” my brain.

I was given an orientation of the whole process and the social life of Tragga. Tomorrow I would be able to wander around and get my bearings. Weds the real training would start. I had the names of my supervisors, but none of there names rang a bell. I asked if I could look up their backgrounds somewhere, but most of that info was not supposed to be available to employees. I would have to try to get that through my fellow workers.

My contact with my fellow moles went OK, but they hadn’t learned anymore than I had. Tonight in my room I would go over the orientation lit they had given me and what I remembered from my previous volunteer work, but now was chance to tour the facilities and get my bearings. I was not yet clear on how open people tended to be. Could I remember what the social no-nos were here? As I remember people were fairly open with each other because security was a different kind of problem. Of course, we knew there were spies looking for unhealthy behavior. Once in my first training a guy disappeared, and we never heard about him again. It’s rumored that they have ways of modifying your behavior to cure a certain inquisitiveness.

By the time my first day of orientation was over I was ready to find the cafeteria. Actually, life underground was fairly sophisticated. Because many people spend years here without contact with the outside world, the underground had developed it’s own night life. It’s own socially life in general. Of course, the size of facilities was scaled to the underground feeling. Rooms were smaller. Popular activities were changed to limit the amount the room they took. Lot’s of isometric sports. No hitting of balls out of the stadium. Indoor soccer and basketball type game with a lower hoop. Not many people were choosing tall bodies. People in some way were starting to look alike in body type. We’ll see in 50 years. Will every body want to look the same? And think the same. Is sameness the way of the future? Will short, smart, dark people have an advantage? Of course, by then I will have gone through a few transfers. And will cloning be a thing of the past or will you just get a modified clone? How far will human engineering go? And what about Sex? Will it be much better or different?